Chad Trimmer

Posted on May 27th, 2021

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Going Over and Above

I can testify that you go over and above in helping clients (like me) prepare a newsletter for print. Thanks a bunch!

Professional Association Client, Pennsylvania


Your email blasts have doubled my open rate. YOU ROCK!

Consulting Client, Michigan

Made me look good…

I received the cards yesterday. Thank you all so much. My boss needed tham ASAP and you made me look good by turning them around so fast.

Advertising Client, Maryland

You guys are the bomb!

You did a fantastic job getting my jobs done by my due date — especially since it was such a small window of time. You deserve a big THANK YOU and recognition for a job well done.

Mailing House Client, Maryland


We received a TON of print collateral today and it all looks fantastic! I LOVE the Camper Kit! Thank you!!

Sports Camp Client, District of Columbia

Great Response

We received a VERY great response this year on our year-end appeal. Thank you!

Higher Education Client, Pennsylvania

Lightning Fast Turnaround

Thanks so much for the early delivery! I wasn’t expecting it til Wednesday. It looks good and it’s a relief to have it done! You are great!

Private School, Maryland

The Best

The van looks fantastic. You’re the best! Thank you!

Medical Client, Washington, D.C.


This is neat…and I haven’t even logged in yet! I am just looking at the home page!

Marketing Firm Client, Pennsylvania

Simply Awesome

Thank you! You guys make me look better than I deserve!

Healthcare Client, District of Columbia

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