Best Practices for More Effective Direct Mail Campaigns

Posted on February 20th, 2017

Contrary to popular belief, direct mail isn’t just a marketing tactic of the past.

It’s a highly effective B2B marketing channel that can help you reach out to prospects and customers offline. In fact, with the increased saturation of digital marketing, direct mail response rates have flourished compared to their online counterparts.

When executed properly, direct mail can deliver impressive returns. According to the Data & Marketing Association, in 2016, direct mail had an impressive 5.3% response rate, which is the highest response rate since 2003.

Whether you’re looking to reach out to your existing clients or seek new customers, direct mail is a proven way to reach the exact person who has been looking for what you have to offer. As always, though, the key to a successful campaign is the execution. Below are some best practices for making the most of your marketing dollars with a direct mail campaign.Mail Envelopes - Direct Mail

  1. Target your audience carefully. Don’t waste time and money on inaccurate lists. In-house lists have the highest overall ROI, but make sure to clean your database and only include relevant prospects. The narrower your target market, the more effective your campaign will be.
  2. Don’t be afraid to spend some money. Appearances are everything! Don’t let a poorly designed and cheaply printed mailer degrade your brand’s image. Saving a few dollars on design and printing can end up costing you valuable conversions, and reflect negatively on your brand.
  3. Personalize your campaign. Your customers are unique – treat them that way. Variable Data Printing allows us to customize EACH piece of direct mail sent to the recipient and can help increase response rates.
  4. Connect at the right time. Timing is everything – and it has a major influence on response rates. Determine the right moment to connect with your customer at each stage of the buying journey.
  5. Don’t forget a Call To Action. Tell your audience exactly what you want them to do in a clear and concise manner. Create a sense of urgency or scarcity and repeat it both visually and verbally.
  6. Layer it on. No matter how personalized your mailer, don’t expect great results with a “one-and-done” campaign. It takes at least 4 direct mail touches, plus layering in other channels to realize great results. The staggering of different pieces will help increase your ROI.
  7. Monitor and measure. Identify what success should look like for your direct mail campaign, and learn how to calculate your ROI. A few of the most common ways to measure the effectiveness of your campaign include:
  • Response / Conversion Rates
  • Cost per lead
  • Lifetime Customer Value

In a world saturated with digital messaging, print remains the most trusted form of communication. A well-executed direct mail campaign can be your most effective tool when implemented as part of a carefully designed marketing strategy, and Caskey Group is here to help you succeed. Contact us today!

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