Page 4 - More_Magazine_Issue10
P. 4


           In any business, a lot of emphasis is placed on     How has the peer group made you a better
           customer relationships – whether they are B2B, B2C   business owner?
           or a combination of both. At Caskey Group, we believe
           that customer relationships are so important, that we   “The peer group has challenged me personally in
           dedicated an entire article in this very magazine to   so many ways, and I’ve come to truly view the peer
           the subject!                                        group members as family. I’ve learned to share and
                                                               trust information whether it’s good or bad with every
           In this feature, though, we would also like to      member in the group. I witness challenges the other
           share with you another valuable – and somewhat      members are being presented with, and it makes me
           overlooked – business relationship. The Peer Group.  learn and grow from their experiences. I’m able to

           Since 2014, Caskey Group, and our President, Tony   bring that knowledge back to my organization.”
           Rife, have been members of Print Production Peers,   ~ Tony Rife, President of Caskey Group
           or P3 - a partnership of six independently-owned    “I am held accountable by businessmen who hold my
           printing communication companies who work           personal and work goals in high regard. They care for
           together to maximize each company’s knowledge       me personally and our company, and I’m energized to
           and expertise.                                      do the same for them. There are segments of business

           All of the P3 companies were founded as printing    in which I’m more proficient, but they help me learn
           companies. Today, however, these businesses are     the areas where I’m weak. It is a year-round continuing
           industry leaders in printing services and marketing   education.” ~ Tim Campbell, President of Campbell
           communication technologies. The six companies       Printing Company
           serve an extensive array of industries, with each   “For any major investment or new venture we are
           separate company providing unique expertise in      considering, we make a presentation to the group.
           different key markets.                              When preparing these presentations, you really have
           The P3 partners meet each quarter for round table   to do your homework because you know the tough
           discussions about new business ideas, quarter highlights,   questions are coming from the group. This makes
           and current challenges facing their businesses. At   for a very thorough decision-making process and is
           their recent meeting at Caskey Group, we asked the   extremely valuable to me when making large business
           members about their P3 experience and what it has   decisions.” ~ Alan Davis, President of BPI Media Group
           meant for them personally and for their businesses.   The Power of Six translates into real
           Here are some thoughts:
                                                               benefits for Caskey Group customers.
           What value does the peer group provide              When you work with Caskey Group, we will always
           to your organization?                               be your principal point of contact – you can depend

           “I view the peer group as an extension of our       on the same great quality products and exceptional
           business. We can’t be all things to every client that   customer service. Being a part of P3 simply gives us
           we serve, but having a network of printing companies   better leverage to provide our customers with more
           to work with allows us to be stronger as a unit than   printing and marketing services from an alliance of our
           we would be by ourselves.” ~ Tony Rife, President   trusted peers. In effect, our expanded knowledge and
           of Caskey Group                                     efficiencies gained through collaboration allow us to
                                                               serve YOU better!
           “The P3 group is my “Board of Directors” in all major
           decisions within my organization. The sound advice
           that comes from this group is instrumental in how
           we move forward as an organization. We share with
           each other our best practices and implement things
           that have helped the other members.” ~ John Lynch,
           President & CEO of Woolverton Printing Company
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