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ith over 34,000 schools serving more What’s in the Box?
than 5.2 million Pre-K - 12th grade
Wstudents, the private school industry The sky’s the limit, but these are a few essentials…
is a very competitive market. In order to stay Custom Elements
competitive and set themselves apart from the It is essential that each box reflect the unique
crowd, private schools must actively market and spirit of the school it is representing. To achieve
compete to win over prospective students. that, Caskey designers collaborate with school
representatives to develop custom pieces that
Caskey Group is proud to provide printing and
marketing solutions to a large number of clients really give the boxes their “wow” factor.
in the private school sector. We have been serving Branded Promotional Products
some of these clients for over a decade and have All sourced promotional products are carefully
gained valuable insight into the unique challenges selected to comply with the school’s brand
that these organizations face when marketing and quality standards, as well as the dress code
themselves to prospective students and families. policy, if necessary.
We understand that providing an exceptional Personalization
education is our client’s primary focus, however the Addressing each student by name is an
overall experience that the school provides for the important part of making them feel welcome.
students and their families plays an undeniable part Our digital printing capabilities make it possible
in enrollment and retention. To remain competitive, for our clients to create personalized
it is important that all faculty and staff make a letters, stationary and other printed
concerted effort to “roll out the red carpet.” materials.
Given the significant cost of private education, it Packaging
is important to continually reinforce a new family’s The presentation of the package is
enrollment decision. One of the unique marketing just as important as what’s inside.
tools we offer our private school clients is the Our designers create custom
New Enrollment Welcome Box – a customized packaging that not only holds
gift designed to reflect the image and message all of the box components,
of the school and create a meaningful emotional but presents them like a gift.
connection between student and school. Assembly & Delivery
Each Welcome Box is as unique as the school it We understand that time is
represents. Our Caskey Group design experts work valuable. Our staff can take
closely with school personnel to hand-select and care of all of the logistics
custom-design every element. Each item is intended associated with the packaging
to reinforce the school’s mission, values and and delivery of your boxes.
branding. Other options include Apparel,
Brochures, Custom Water Bottles
and much, much more!
At Caskey Group, we understand first-hand the
subtleties and challenges involved in designing
communications strategies for a premier private
school setting, and we provide quality products
that will enhance your school image. To find out
more about our New Enrollment Welcome Boxes
and all of the other services we can offer your
organization, contact your Caskey Group Sales
Representative today!