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            The magazine to show
           you the importance of
            “more communications –
                more results”.           HAPPY NEW YEAR!

                                         As we look forward to another year, I’d like to thank all of our customers for believing
         717.764.4500  800.864.2040      in and supporting us at Caskey Group. We are honored that you have entrusted us
                with your printing and communications needs. As always, we will continue to work
                                         hard to provide you with more services and even better results.
                                         We were pleased to finish out 2017 with a significant increase in our direct mail print
                                         business, as well as a heavy load of both digital and print holiday cards and year-end
                                         appeals. This proves, yet again, that print is alive and well.
                                         Our plans for 2018 include some equipment upgrades in
                                         several departments. Here are a few of our new additions:

                                          • Our mail department received a significant upgrade with the addition
                                            of a Kirk-Rudy KR545D Tabber. This machine applies tabs to 3 sides in
                                            a single pass to meet the new USPS specifications for self-mailers
                                            and booklet tabbing regulations. It runs all major types of tabs as
                3M Preferred
                Graphics Installer          well as pressure sensitive stamps and labels of various shapes and
                                            sizes. Look to Caskey Group for all of your direct mail needs!
                                          • The new Seal® 62 Laminator with Heat Assist at our GSP
                                            facility will increase the efficiency of our graphics production
                                            by providing a continuous, heated feed, a larger surface area
                                            and a reduction in waste material. This addition will take our
                                            high-quality 3M graphics capabilities to the next level!
                                          • A heated shrink tunnel installed in the bindery department will
                                            allow our team to package more product at a faster turnaround.
                                            The next time you need your materials to be waterproof,
                                            weatherproof or tamperproof, just ask to have it shrink-wrapped!
                                         Thank you for taking the time to read this edition of MORE!
                                         We hope we’ve provided you with some valuable information
                                         and inspired you to get creative with your printing and marketing
                                         communications in 2018.

                                         Wishing you MORE success,
                FIND US ON               Tony Rife, President
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