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Today, over 300 caring, dedicated employees
           proudly serve people with disabilities in 35 counties
           throughout Pennsylvania and beyond. Last year
           alone, UDS provided services to more than 3,500
           clients, enabling them to live more happily, more
           independently, and in control of the decisions that
           affect their lives.

           It was August 2017 when Caskey Group Sales
           Representative Austin Rife walked through the doors    Caskey Group's professional installers recently installed
           at UDS to leave a packet of information for VP of       signage throughout UDS's new location at Erin Court.
           Business Development, Nancy McCormick.
                                                               According to Nancy, “There was great synergy right
           The timing of Austin’s visit was precipitous because
           UDS was in the process of developing a re-branding   from the beginning. It was obvious that the Caskey
           of the organization as well as embarking on their   Group team was extremely knowledgeable and we
           fi rst-ever capital campaign and needed additional   appreciated their low-pressure sales approach. As we
           marketing support. They were about to move into     started our fi rst projects together, we could tell that
           a new home. This bigger space would allow UDS       they had great vision and truly understood our needs.
           to consolidate almost all of its programs into one   The communication provided by the Caskey team
           location and would be the fi rst building that the   was stellar and their service excellent from start to
           organization would own outright.                    fi nish. They made the whole process so easy!”
                                                               Throughout the partnership, Caskey has provided
           “This new space will enable us to expand a number
           of our programs and help more clients,” Bill Kepner,   a wide variety of services to support the UDS
                                                               Foundation’s marketing and communication
           UDS President and CEO said. “Care management,
           our largest program, will be able to grow at least   initiatives, including: printed mailings such as
                                                               event invitations, campaign letters, brochures and
           10%, mobility, rehab and custom wheelchairs and
           home modifi cation by 20% each, and new training     stationery, indoor and outdoor signs, vinyl wall
                                                               graphics, and promotional items like shirts, mugs,
           facilities will result in three times more service dog
           placements.”                                        magnets and more.
                                                               The ability to provide so many
           During this time of transition, UDS encountered                                      SAVE THE DATE
           several marketing challenges: reaching clients and   products and service in-house,       Outrageous Giving
                                                                                                     Outrageous Giving
                                                                                                     Outrageous Giving
                                                                                                     Outrageous Giving
                                                                                                     Outrageous Giving
                                                                                                     Outrageous Giving
                                                                                                     Outrageous Giving
           community partners to keep them updated on the      combined with a commitment            Abundant Living
                                                                                                     Abundant Living
                                                                                                     Abundant Living
                                                                                                     Abundant Living
                                                                                                     Abundant Living
                                                                                                     Abundant Living
                                                                                                     Abundant Living
           progress of the move, engaging potential donors,    to customer service, are the key      UDS Foundation Annual Fundraising Gala
                                                                                                        Friday, May 18, 2018
                                                                                                       Fireside Tavern, Strasburg, PA
           developing a clear and cohesive brand message       factors that help Caskey Group         Presenting Sponsor:
           and creating advertising collateral and signage to   build and maintain such strong
                                                               and lasting customer relationships.
           enhance their updated brand image.                  and lasting customer relationships.  Gala Save the Date
           VP of Business Development Nancy McCormick and      We are proud to be partners to such a wonderful,
           marketing specialist Deb Showalter realized that with   life-changing organization. Please join us in
           their plates so full, it would be necessary to outsource   congratulating UDS on the acquisition of their new
           some of these tasks, so they made the call to Caskey   facility. We hope you will join us at their Open House
           Group. Caskey Group and UDS Foundation proved to    in September 2018. To learn more about UDS
           be a great match – and even though the partnership   Foundation and the services they offer, please visit
           is relatively new, the combination of teamwork and or contact Nancy McCormick
           great communication has made the two companies      at or 888-837-4235.
           a perfect fi t.
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