Page 5 - More_Magazine_Issue15
P. 5

“Consumer education is paramount,      Caskey manages all the inventory, which is always
                            because the majority of individuals    up to date on Capital Caring’s digital storefront.
                            have misconceptions, are               That means they are never surprised by running

                            uninformed, or are ill informed        low on a popular brochure. The organization
                            about hospice and palliative care      saves money by printing in higher volumes,
                            (advanced illness care),” said Amy     knowing that they do not have to store it all
           Amy Shields, MA  Shields, MA, director of strategic     themselves. Printing on demand gives Capital
          communications at Capital Caring Health. “It’s critical  Caring Health the flexibility to get what they need
          that we have resources and educational material          quickly. All of these features help Caskey support

          readily available for the teams within Capital Caring    Capital Caring Health as it works to increase
          Health that are responsible for sharing information                              community education
          about our services and programs.”                                                and awareness about its
                                                                                           suite of services, including
          High quality and quick                                                           hospice and advanced
          turnaround are                                                                   illness care, elder care,

          important factors that                                                           primary care at home,
          affect Capital Caring                                                            grief support (at no cost),
          Health’s ability to                                                              as well as special
          achieve its mission. The                                                         programs for children
          organization turned to                                                           and veterans.

          Caskey Group to find a
          system that would                                                                Caskey’s service has
          meet its needs. Caskey                                                           made it easier for Capital
          put together a web-to-                                                      Caring Health to help more
          print storefront that allows                                           patients and families. “Having these
          Capital Caring Health to maintain a full stock of        resources readily available has allowed our teams to

          collateral – without having to worry about storing it    increase outreach in the community, which is leading
          or managing inventory. “I was impressed with Caskey’s    to increased awareness about Capital Caring Health
          level of service. Our account supervisor is Zach Schuler,  and our unique programs and services,” Shields said.
          and I feel like we’re his only client,” Shields said.    “Caskey’s turnaround time is excellent, and our teams

                                                                   are well equipped with the materials they need, when
          The organization’s online storefront provides a one-     they need them.”
          stop shop for easy and seamless access to
          resources and community education that its teams         As Capital Caring Health looks toward 2021, the
           depend on as they meet with patients, families,         organization will be able to increase awareness
              healthcare providers, and community                  across the community about its hospice, advance

                   members. “Outsourcing our fulfillment           illness care and home-based primary care
                   process allows us to have a high volume of      services, and can be confident that Caskey Group
                  marketing collateral and educational             will be there to support the organization with the
               resources printed and placed in the warehouse,      collateral it needs to ensure success.
           which decreases costs,” Shields said.

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