Custom Literature Racks by Caskey GSP
Posted on October 7th, 2016
Literature racks are a great way to display your product information sheets, brochures, newsletters, and other marketing materials.
The lit racks seen below were created by the Caskey Graphics, Signage & Promotions department for the McGrew Equipment Company, which is located in Seven Valleys, PA and specializes in new and used farm, construction and lawn & garden equipment.
This was a truly custom project for our graphics team, who took the idea from concept, to design and construction all in-house. The team built the template and prototypes completely from scratch, including 3 different scale models, ranging from 1:20 scale to full size. Each prototype went through several days of testing to determine how much weight it could hold before the final product design was approved.
The completed project was an order of 7 racks made entirely of cardboard, which was printed, cut and assembled on site.
For more information about literature racks or other custom marketing displays, contact us today!