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KITU brand, they needed a partner who was ready to
                                                               execute the product promotion, printing, marketing,
                                                               and other needs.

                                                               Marina Paul, the company’s director of marketing, at
                                                               the time, met with the Caskey Group. “From the

                                                               first meeting, I was impressed with Caskey
                                                               Group’s expertise. They work in a high-
                                                               stress field with tight deadlines, and yet
                 Jake, Jordan, and Jimmy were recently featured in
                    Forbes 30 under 30 2019, Food and Drink.   they were calm and composed,” she said.
           Jordan researched ways to make coffee drinks        “Right away, we felt that we could entrust
           healthier and began to experiment with ways to      our brand to them.”
           boost the coffee’s nutritional content, while keeping
           the sugar down – and delivering a great-tasting     As KITU prepared to launch their brand, the Caskey
           product. His creation – Super Coffee – hit every mark.   Group was by their side every step of the way.
                                                               Caskey built an e-commerce storefront for their
           Jordan enlisted the help of his two brothers: Jake,
           a student-athlete studying entrepreneurship at      products, making it easy for KITU’s sales team to
           Georgetown University, and Jimmy, who worked        order sales and promotional items. Caskey designed
           on Wall Street. By starting with high quality organic   a promotional wrap for beverage refrigerators
           coffee and adding healthy fats and lactose-free     in grocery and convenience stores, resulting in a
           protein, the brothers had a winning product. It was   fivefold boost in sales from each location. As KITU
           time to introduce it to the market.                 was inking a distribution deal for its products, Caskey
                                                               was designing a truck wrap for the delivery vehicles.
           The brothers continued to develop Super Coffee,     Caskey also supported KITU with an engaging trade
           adding new flavors and pitching the product to      show booth design and a variety of print marketing
           vendors. They launched in a single Whole Foods      collateral, from coupons to sell sheets.
           in the trendy Foggy Bottom neighborhood of
           Washington, DC, and quickly became the best-selling   Caskey also brought its special touch to the VIP
           bottled coffee in the store. Clearly, the brothers had   product boxes that KITU sends to professional athletes,
           tapped into a trend. Today, KITU Super Coffee graces   retailers, and other influencers to introduce its product.
           the shelves of every Whole Foods in the mid-Atlantic,   “Every retailer and athlete we’ve given these VIP
           as well as Wawa, Giant Food, and other retailers.   boxes to have commented on how beautiful they
                                                               are,” Paul said. “They say, ‘This is what a care
           The core of the company’s brand was a commitment    package should look like.’ That goes to show how
           to positivity. As Jordan puts it, “We’re a positive   good Caskey Group is, and how much care they take
           energy company. We just happen to sell coffee.” The   in creating an excellent showcase for our products.”
           KITU team’s goal is to make their product the best
           selling bottled coffee anywhere – and to help people   The most important aspect of the partnership
           improve their lives with healthy energy. Pronounced   between KITU and Caskey Group is not something
           “key to,” the KITU brand connotes the power of      you’ll see in a store. It’s less tangible – and more
           positivity, as well as the ketogenic diet that inspired   important. “Our company culture is so precious to us
           the original recipe.                                – it’s crucial that anyone we work with is in alignment
           FINDING THE RIGHT PARTNER                           with our values,” Paul said.
                                                               “Caskey Group couldn’t have been a better
           The company was moving fast and planned to
           expand the product line, with Super Coffee as the   fit. They are incredible human beings, and
           flagship product. As they prepared to launch the    we’re grateful to be working with them."

           To learn more about KITU Super Coffee, and its line of superfood products, visit   CASKEY GROUP  n    5
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